Returns for $0 items

Platform Availability
Shopify available Shopify
BigCommerce unavailable Big Commerce
Magento unavailable Magento
Custom API unavailable Custom API

The $0 item returns feature allows your shop to accept, process, and generate shipping labels for returned items that cost the shopper $0 to purchase — for retailers offering free trials, try-before-you-buy programs such as TryNow, 100% discounted items for influencers or VIPs, or buy-one-get-one sales. 

What are $0 item returns?

Examples of $0 items include: 

  • Free trials

  • 100% discounted items for influencers or VIPs

  • Buy-one-get-one items

By enabling $0 item returns, you’ll have the ability to start a return and generate return shipping labels for items that have $0 value or fulfilled items of any value whose payment has been authorized, but not yet necessarily processed, such as orders marked as “pending” payment.

How $0 item returns work

When returning $0 items in the Online Return and Exchange Service, the shopper will only see the “refund” option, unless $0 exchanges are also enabled. Click here for more information on $0 exchanges and how to enable them.


On Shopify, if a shopper completes a return containing solely $0 items and the return has been approved, the order note will say “return completed with no transaction.”

Note: $0 item returns will not work with gift returns. If a $0 item is the only item in a gift return, then the gift returner will see a page with the error message “Oops, something went wrong! Please contact customer service.” when attempting to return the $0 item.


Enabling $0 item returns

Contact a Happy Returns team member to enable $0 item returns for your Shopify shop. After enabling the feature, as long as an order has been fulfilled and payment has been authorized, an item costing $0 can be returned and a return shipping label can be generated. 


When $0 item exchanges are also enabled, then both exchanges and refunds will be available for $0 item returns.

For orders with both $0 items and non-$0 items, any $0 items will follow the $0 return flow, and all other items will follow your standard return policy flow.

If the payment has not been authorized or the product has not been fulfilled, then the product cannot be selected for any type of return. However, if the order has been fulfilled, the payment has been authorized and is “pending” or "paid", then $0 item returns will work, if enabled. Unlike $0 exchanges, the order does not have to be paid, payment only needs to be authorized.

If your Shopify shop does not have $0 item returns enabled, the item will appear grayed out,with a message to “contact customer service” underneath, and the user will not have the option to return the item.

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